PROJECT L REACT: What does this mean for the fighting game community!? -

PROJECT L REACT: What does this mean for the fighting game community!?

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I’m sold. I think this will be the game for me. THIS is the game that the fighting game community needed. In celebration of the 10th anniversary for League of Legends, Riot released Project L, their first ever fighting game. With rollback netcode and 2v2, this game looks EXTREMELY promising. What do you guys think of it?!

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Riot Games has been fairly secretive about its unnamed fighting game, Project L, which has been in development for several years. Production for the game seems to be heating up, however, with fighting game community (FGC) figureheads, Evo Championship founders, and Project L project leads Tom and Tony Cannon are ready to “reintroduce” the game to fans.

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#LeagueofLegends #ProjectL #Riot #Arcane #AnimeIlluminati #Jiyuna