Brawler + Phoenix, Hybrid build showcase montage (Fighting game by Cronigod) -

Brawler + Phoenix, Hybrid build showcase montage (Fighting game by Cronigod)

Views: 59
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Extra info:

Sub goal – ||||||||||||… 40% …………… 4/10

My build is a Brawler with no rib crusher but however a Phoenix passive –

Phoenix Soul

Passive Ability
Changes the Player’s combo causing them to finish their M1 combo with a fire punch and their M2 to light players on fire. Allows the Player’s M2 to hit and burn rag dolled players, but deals less damage.


Game –

Trello –

Discord –

Music –

Friends Channel (Ryan) –

Poll –

Duo Or Triple progression next
|||||||||||||||…………… 50% ⭐ Duo
||||||||…………………. 25% ⭐ Triple
||||||||…………………. 25% ⭐ Other

#cronigod #fightinggame #ironlineage #fightinggamecronigod #hybrid #pheonix