All Fighting Games of CAPCOM & SNK (1991-2000) - The Golden Age of Fighting Games -

All Fighting Games of CAPCOM & SNK (1991-2000) – The Golden Age of Fighting Games

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The decade of the 90s, was the golden age of Fighting Games.
Dominated by Capcom and SNK.

Vídeo-resumen de todos los juegos de lucha de SNK y CAPCOM de la década de los 90 (del año 1991 al 2000).
La melodías corresponden a uno de los juegos mas importantes de cada año.
Lista de juegos:

1991_Strret Fighter 2: The World Warrior
1991_Fatal Fury

1992_Street Fighter 2: Champion Edition
1992_World Heroes
1992_Art of Fighting
1992_Street Fighter 2: Turbo
1992_Fatal Fury 2

1993_World Heroes 2
1993_Samurai Shodown
1993_Super Street Fighter 2: The New Challengers
1993_Fatal Fury Special

1994_Art of Fighting 2
1994_Super Street Fighter 2: Turbo
1994_Karnov´s Revenge
1994_World Heroes 2 Jet
1994_Fight Fever
1994_Aggressors of Dark Kombat
1994_Slam Masters 2 (Super Muscle Bomber)
1994_The King of Fighters 94
1994_Samurai Shodown 2
1994_X-Men: Children of the Atom

1995_Galaxy Fight
1995_Night Warriors
1995_Double Dragon
1995_Savage Reign
1995_Fatal Fury 3
1995_World Heroes Perfect
1995_Street Fighter Alpha
1995_Kabuki Klash
1995_Street Fighter: The Movie
1995_The King of Fighters 95
1995_Marvel Super Heroes
1995_Samurai Shodown 3
1995_Fatal Fury Real Bout

1996_Street Fighter 2 Alpha
1996_Art of Fighting 3
1996_Ninja Masters
1996_Star Gladiator
1996_The King of Fighters 96
1996_X-Men vs. Street Fighter
1996_Kizuna Encounter
1996_Samurai Shodown 4
1996_Red Earth
1996_Waku Waku 7

1997_Fatal Fury Real Bout Special
1997_Street Fighter 3: New Generation
1997_Street Fighter EX
1997_Vampire Savior
1997_Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter
1997_The King of Fighters 97
1997_Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix
1997_Vampire Hunter 2
1997_Vampire Savior 2
1997_Street Fighter 3: 2nd Impact
1997_Rival Schools
1997_The Last Blade
1997_Samurai Shodown 64

1998_Marvel vs. Capcom
1998_Fatal Fury Real Bout 2
1998_Plasma Sword
1998_Street Figther EX2
1998_Street Fighter Alpha 3
1998_Breakers Revenge
1998_The King of Fighters 98
1998_Samurai Shodown: Warriors Rage
1998_The Last Blade 2
1998_Jojo´s Venture

1999_Fatal Fury Wild Ambition
1999_Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike
1999_Buriki One
1999_Final Fight Revenge
1999_The King of Fighters 99
1999_Jojo´s Bizarre Adventure
1999_Garou: Mark of the Wolves

2000_Marvel vs. Capcom
2000_The King of Fighters 2000
2000_Capcom vs. SNK

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