7 Weirdest Fighting Game Characters Who Were Fired After One Game - lightslingergame.com

7 Weirdest Fighting Game Characters Who Were Fired After One Game

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Once a fighting game character makes their debut, they usually stick around in that series. But some characters prove to be so weird, unpopular or tangled in licensing issues they make one appearance and are never seen again. Here are our fave fighting game characters who were never invited back for round two. Subscribe for more videos:

Soul Calibur 3’s adorable owl-headed Olcadan makes the list, as does Dead or Alive 4’s improbably canon Spartan Nicole-458, Tekken 3’s tiny orange dinosaur Gon and Street Fighter 3’s Necro. And who could forget Amingo, the cactus man from Marvel vs Capcom 2? Oh that’s right, everybody.

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