20 Fighting Games with Brutal Mortal Kombat-like Fatalities
Fatalities are a means of ending a fighting game match by gruesomely murdering the loser. It was popularized as a finishing move performed at the end of a match in Mortal Kombat. It became part of Mortal Kombat’s DNA. Every game had to have at least one Fatality. But that wasn’t enough. Midway began adding spinoff finishers like Friendships, Babalities, Animalities, Brutalities, Hara-Kiris, and so on.
Mortal Kombat was an unprecedented success in the arcades of the early 90s, a clamor that was mixed with a great controversy with the arrival of the disturbing saga to home consoles. Many companies, seeing the success of the franchise created by Ed Boon and John Tobias, tried to replicate its formula by creating countless clones, with unevenly results.
But some videogames did not remain mere copies and tried to improve Mortal Kombat’s proposal, introducing their own rip-off versions such as No Mercies, Overkills, Executions and Claytalities. A torrent of gruesome imagination more typical of the most twisted gore movies.
In this video I explore in depth the history of fighting games, in search of the most brutal fatalities outside the Mortal Kombat saga. Finish him!
In this video you will find:
• A game curation showcasing the most brutal fighting games that rivaled Mortal Kombat franchise
• Information related to each game such as release date, developer company, game genre and system it was released on.
• Official game box arts with a 3D presentation.
• Educative and/or critical comments on the importance of the video game and why you should play it
Intro and Outro Music
Aries Beats “Synthwave Dreams 2020” is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license …
0:00 Intro
00:13 Time Killers
00:36 Survival Arts
00:58 Eternal Champions: Challenge from the Dark Side
01:35 Ballz: The Director’s Cut
01:57 Killer Instinct
02:20 Way of the Warrior
02:39 BloodStorm
02:59 Blood Warrior
03:19 Primal Rage
03:49 Tattoo Assassins
04:13 Cosmic Carnage
04:36 Xenophage: Alien BloodSport
04:55 Weaponlord
05:22 Time Slaughter
05:48 Red Earth
06:09 War Gods
06:36 Mace The Dark Age
07:09 Bio F.R.E.A.K.S.
07:35 Thrill Kill
08:03 Wu-Tang Shaolin Style
08:33 Samurai Shodown V Special
08:55 Outro
⚠️ All gameplay recording, game curation and opinions included in this video, as well as editing is completely done by me
Bits & Beats creates videos about the history of video games. In this channel you’ll find comparisons, retrospectives, technical analysis, but, mostly, game curations with the idea of having an important task of preserving video games, and make them relevant to society at large.
Curation isn’t just about digging up neat games, but it’s also about preservation, interpretation, and using one’s knowledge to make it relevant to people. With my videos I want older gamers to look back and remember the influence of video games on their lives, and new gamers to understand the larger context of the series they’re playing for the first time today.
I put significant time and creative effort into each one of my videos, including research, digging into archives, playing video games and recording hours of footage, selecting specific clips, writing reviews for each title, and making a very careful video editing in the way to transmit both educational and entertaining values to my audience. Every video takes a lot of hours to produce, because I strive to give my audience a consistent, high-quality content.
Fidelity and preservation of the video games is essential in Bits & Beats, so the recordings are made with the highest bitrate quality. It is done this way to preserve original game look and sound through modern footage, with no superfluous additions. I recommend you watch the video at 4K and 60 frames per second to get the best possible viewing experience.
I hope you enjoy my videos and find them useful!
#BITSANDBEATS #fightinggames #fatalities