1 PROBLEM with every fighting game subgenre - lightslingergame.com

1 PROBLEM with every fighting game subgenre

Views: 31746
Like: 1694
Which fighting game subgenre is your favorite?

HOME – Native
HOME – New Machines

00:00 Intro

01:21 Traditional Fighters

02:18 3D Fighters

03:20 Platform Fighters

04:59 Anime Fighters

05:42 Assist Fighters

07:01 Outro

#brawlhalla #brawlhallaclips #fgc

Brawlhalla is a free-to-play 2D platformer fighting game developed by Blue Mammoth Games and Ubisoft for Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PS5, PS4, Steam, iOS, and Android, with full cross-play across all platforms. It also has some of the most satisfying combo mechanics of any fighting game I’ve played, because doing successful low damage to kill combos is extremely hard. You have to either 100% know where your opponent is going or just make up some wacky play and hope for the best. It makes the kills all the more exciting. Brawlhalla has reached OVER 1 million in esports prize pools this year and over 50 million online players in total.